Thursday, April 3, 2008


I really don't like religion. I don't hate it, and a certainly don't hate people who are religious. I think if someone chooses to believe in something, then thats entirely up to them. What I have a problem with, however, is preaching. I hate when people try to force their religion upon others. I think that's wrong.
My beliefs are quite simple. I choose not to worship any god. I believe there may perhaps be some higher being out there, possibly more than one, however, I won't believe in any one specifially unless he/she/it chooses to reveal itself to me. I refuse to adhere to any rigid belief structure, or to label my belief. I believe that we all have our own choices, and those choices affect our future. I refuse to believe that our future is already mapped out for us. See, wasn't that simple. I will not, ever, force this belief upon someone else. I will not try and convince someone with religion that they are wrong. I am quite happy to debate theology, and often I will win, as I have actually read a good portion of the bible, and I think it's a very nice collection of stories. But only stories. A lot of which don't actually portray their god in the best of lights.
Anyway. I think people should choose what they want to believe, and that belief is personal, and therefore, I see no reason why people who believe different things cannot live together without starting arguments, or wars, over it. I think people who are fanatical about their religion, and see anyone who doesn't believe as heretics or infidels, should be herded up, and forced to live together, and forced to listen to recordings of their own bullshit. Then they can hear how stupid they sound. I think that people who go mad over a cartoon of their god are stupid, and need to get a life. IT'S A CARTOON. I think that people who arrest somone because they allowed a child to name a teddy after their god should stop and think for a moment, this is a child, who knows the name of their god. Surely thats a good thing? Surely the woman is not responsible for what the kids decide they want to name their damn teddy?
Stop being so ridiculous.
That is all.

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